Phase Transition in Cavitation Problem and the Speed Approaching to Equilibrium
摘要: 前文[9]我们已经说明用单个空泡的急剧膨胀和收缩来说明空化现象是不合适的.原因是空化现象中的实际气泡的变动与急剧膨胀和收缩的变化情形差距很大,而和平衡状态比较接近,本文紧接着前文[9]给出了气泡趋于平衡的速率和弛豫时间.并且给出空化现象中气泡可以作为平衡状态的判断准则.Abstract: In the previous article[9],we mentioned that the cavita-tion phenomenon cannot be described both by the fast expansion and compression of a single gas bubble,because the actual fact is departed far from these kinds of description but close to the equilibrium condition. In this article,we shall go on to tackle the problem,which was discussed in the previous paper[9]. We get the speed and the relaxiation time of approaching to the equilibrium state of a gas bubble,and give out the criterion that the gas bubble may be considered as in equilibrium condition in cavitation phenomenon.
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