Again Discussing about Singular Perturbation of General Boundary Value Problem for Higher Order Elliptic Equation Containing Two-Parameter
摘要: 本文用“两变量展开程序”[12]的方法重新研究方程带两个小参数的高阶椭圆型方程一般边值问题解的渐近式的构造,这个问题的边值条件比文[l]更一般.我们给出了渐近解的表达式和有关的余项估计.Abstract: In this paper using the method of "The Two-Variable Expansion Procedure" we again discuss the construction of asymptotic expression of solution of general boundary value problem for higher order ellitptic equation containing two-parameter whose boundary condition is more general than [1], We give asymptotic expression of solution as well as the estimation corresponding to the remainder term.
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