On a Class of Method for Solving Problems with Random Boundary Notches and/or Cracks-(Ⅱ) Computations for Boundary Notches
摘要: 本文是欧阳鬯所作文“关于任意边界缺口或裂纹群问题的一类解法(I)解析方法”的继续。这里我们利用该文提出的理论和公式对缺口群问题进行了实际计算。在计算中对该文陈述的参数平面上边界条件计算方法作了改动。数值计算实例表明:在所研究的特征参数,例如本文中的L,的适当范围内,所叙述的方法是行之有效的。Abstract: This work is the continuation of the discussion of [1J by C.Ouyang (Appl.Math.&Mech,Vol,1, No,2, 1980).Here computations for boundary notches are made by using the method of [1], Numerical results show that the method presented here is quite workable in practical computations.
[1] 欧阳幽,关于任意边界缺口或裂纹群问题的一类解法(I)解析方法,应用数学和力学,1,2(1980),159-166. [2] Bowie, O.L.,Analysis of edge notches in a semi-infinite region, J.Math and Phys.,45(1966),356. -
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