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余燊. 论变形介质经典电动力学中的能量守恒定律——Poynting定理的推广[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1984, 5(1): 9-18.
引用本文: 余燊. 论变形介质经典电动力学中的能量守恒定律——Poynting定理的推广[J]. 应用数学和力学, 1984, 5(1): 9-18.
Yu Xin. On the Law of Energy Conservation in the Classical Electrodynamics of Deformable Media——A Generalization of the Poynting Theorem[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1984, 5(1): 9-18.
Citation: Yu Xin. On the Law of Energy Conservation in the Classical Electrodynamics of Deformable Media——A Generalization of the Poynting Theorem[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1984, 5(1): 9-18.


On the Law of Energy Conservation in the Classical Electrodynamics of Deformable Media——A Generalization of the Poynting Theorem

  • 摘要: 为了阐明电磁场和变形介质之间能量传递的详细机理,这篇论文选取整体的场方程作为出发点,给出变形介质电动力学的广义Poynting定理.然后按照对电磁体积力的一些特殊的假设,推导出这个定理的几种特殊的形式.
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  • 收稿日期:  1982-02-28
  • 刊出日期:  1984-02-15


