Stress Concentration and Stress Intensity Factors for an Infinite Plane with Several Rows of Elliptic Holes and Cracks
摘要: 对于无限平面上任意排列的多个椭圆孔的应力集中,采用复变函数方法,直接构造能够反映各孔相互影响的应力函数,通过依次映射方法来满足各孔的边界条件,再利用围线积分方法化为线性代数方程求解.对于裂纹情况,将裂纹化为相应的椭圆,通过应力集中系数近似求得应力强度因子值.文中给出若干计算结果.Abstract: This paper deals with the stress concentration in plane with swveral arbitrarily distributed elliptic holes. By using the functions of complex variables, the stress functions in which the interactions of neighbouring holes are taken into consideration can be constructed. By applying the conformed mapping method to satisfy the boundary conditions of each hole, the governing equations can then be transformed into a set of simultaneous equations through boundary integrals. Moreover, the problems with crack can be derived by changing the elliptical rates of the ellipses, thereby an approximate solution of cracking problem may be obtained.Some computing examples are given in the paper.
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