The Asymptotic Analytical Solution of the Strain-Hardening Elastoplastic Plate Containing a Circular Hole under Simple Tension
摘要: 本文运用有强化弹塑性平面问题的一般渐近解,以解决有强化弹塑性含圆孔的无限大板在单向受拉下的应力分布问题.文中求得了二次近似解的应力分量的解析表达式,并与其他作者的数值计算[4]和实验结果[5]进行了比较,结果颇为符合.最后,作者还就Neuber公式的正确性进行了考查.Abstract: In this paper the general asymptotic analytical solution of plane problem of elasto-plasticity with strain-hardening[2] is used in solving the problem of an infinitely large plate containing a circular hole under simple tension, and the analytical expressions of stress components of the first two approximations are given, These results are compared with the numerical and the experimental results given by other authors[4,5], and a good agreement is obtained. At the end of this paper the authors inspect the correctness of Neuber's formula[9] for this problem.
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