The Creep Effects on the Buckling of Shallow Shells
摘要: 本文讨论了混凝土扁壳压曲的蠕变效应.基于弹性薄壳的非线性理论,发现椭圆抛物面扁壳,其荷载-挠度曲线的上临界荷载将随时间而降低,而下临界荷载则随时间而上升.至于扁壳的局部失稳问题,其临界荷载仅取决于压曲发生瞬间材料的弹性模量.Abstract: An analysis of the creep effects on the buckling of concrete shallow shells is presented in this paper.Based on the nonlinear theory of thin elastic shells, it is found that for those of the elliptical paraboloidal type, the upper critical load of the load-deflection curve will decrease while the lover limit will increase with time.As to the problem of local buckling of the shell, the critical load is dependent only upon the modulus of elasticity at the instant it occurs.
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