已知微分方程组现研究它解的有界性与渐近性.当(0.1)的系数 Pij(t)是周期函数时, Бурдика[1]曾加以研究,而当Pij(t)是任意函数时,至今还未曾有人研究过.此外, 所用的方法,只适用于周期系数的情况,对于一般情况并不适用.在本文中,我们将给出一种研究方法,它既适用于周期系数的情况,也适用于一般情况.
In this paper, the differential system of second-order with variable coefficients is studied, and some criteria of the boundedness and asymptotic behavior for solutions are given.Consider a system of differential equations (0.1) Now we study the boundedness and asymptotic behavior of its solutions. In the case of Pif(t) being periodic functions, it was investigated by Burdina; in the case of Pif(t) being arbitrary functions, it has not been investigated yet. Besides, the method used by Burdina is only appropriate for the former but not for the latter case. In this paper we shall give a method which is appropriate for both cases.