Finite Element Control Systems of Elastic Structures
摘要: 本文讨论了经有限元方法处理后的弹性结构系统的可控、可观测、镇定等问题.所得的结论与用分布参量系统模型所得的结论一致,但却便于用计算机计算且方法简单.在一、中研究了系统的可控与可观测的问题,给出了易于用计算机判别的条件.在二、中对于采用线性反馈镇定弹性体的问题进行了仔细的讨论,指出对弹性结构系统而言,若系统完全可控仅用位移反馈可以任意配置振动频率但却无法镇定系统,而仅用速度反馈虽可以进行镇定但镇定能力是有限的,对于在系统运动方程中包含刚体运动成分的情形也作了研究.在三、中对梁的控制问题用有限元进行了处理,指出直梁作为一个系统可以分解为拉压、扭转和两个方向弯曲这四个互不关联的子系统,它们的可控与可观测问题可以分别进行讨论.最后对折线型刚架的可控与可观测的问题也作了探讨.Abstract: The article deals with the problems of controllability,observability and stabilizability of an elastic-structural system treated by the finite element method. The results obtained here agree with that obtained in distributed parameter-system model, nevertheless, they are more convenient than those in carrying out the computation with a computer, at the same time the method appears much easier than the conventional one. In section one,the system's controllability and observability are studied and some conditions which are easier to be justified by computer are given. In section two, the problem of stabilizing an elastic object by the use of linear feedback is fully discussed. As the attained results there show that, so far as an elastic-structural system is concerned, it is possible to assign arbitrary frequencies of vibration only by the use of displacement feedback, however, it is impossible to stabilize the system while the system is completely controllable. While the velocity feedback can stabilize the system, but its ability is limited. The case of rigid body motion involved in the system equation has also been discussed. In section three, the control of a straight beam is treated by the finite element method. The whole system of a beam can be decomposed into four irrelevant subsystems of tension-compression, torsion, bending in two directions, their controllability and observability are also analyzed respectively. The controllability and observability of segment-shaped beam are discussed in the end.
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