A Gaseous Shock Wave Theory of the Galactic Spiral Structure
摘要: 本文用星际气体自引力星系激波来解释星系的螺旋结构、恒星的扰动引力场并非必要条件.我们首先证明,即使扰动引力场为零,也可以存在局部的星系激波解.这种解要求|ωη0|>α,而且只要气体的密度反差比较大,就只能用激波解来解释螺旋结构.用叠代的方法求出了星际气体的自引力激波宏图.对一种特定的扰动引力场模拟气体自引力,可以在速度平面上定性分析激波解的特性.初始原星系盘中的物质分布不均匀性,通过缠卷过程、不稳定性增长和波动叠加.可以发展成星系激波宏图.这样,对星系激波的起源,演化和维持给出一个完整的图象.利用这个图象,可以解释星系螺旋结构的大量观测结果和分类特性.Abstract: In this paper, the galactic spiral structure is studied by the galactic shock wave of interstellar gas with self-gravitation. The perturbed gravitation of stars is not a necessary condition for the existence of such shock. It is proved first of all that there exists solution of local shock wave even if the perturbed gravitation is absent. The condition |ωη0|>σ is required for such solution. The spiral structure can only be explained by the shock solution when the difference of density between the regions of arm and interarm is larger. The grand design of shock wave with self-gravitation is obtained by the iterative method. The features of shock wave can be analyzed qualitatively in the velocity plane for a special perturbed gravitation which is used to simulate the self-gravitation. of interstellar gas. As the mass distribution in proto-galactic disk is irregular initially, the grand design of the galactic shock wave was developed by the processes of winding,growth of instability and overlapping of waves. Hence, it gives a complete figure about the origin, evolution and persistance.A lot of observed phenomena and classificational features of the galactic spiral structure can be explained by adopting these ideas.
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