Finite Element Analysis for Consolidation in Interaction between Structure and Saturated Soil Foundation
摘要: 讨论了结构与饱和土壤相互作用的固结分析问题.对于结构利用多重子结构分析技术实现向饱和土交界面上的凝聚.从而建立了结构与饱和土壤相互作用的固结控制方程.文中给出了问题求解的一次性算法方案,采取压力主从关系的手段处理边界上的不排水条件.文末给出数值算例.本文工作为大型结构与土体相互作用固结分析研究工作的深入创造了条件.Abstract: The consolidation analysis of interaction between structure and saturated soil foundation is discussed.With the use of substructure technique,the structure is condensed onto the interface of the soil,and then the consolidation governing equations to describe the interaction between soil and structure are derived,The solution with non-iterative algorithm is proposed in this paper.The pressure Master-Slave relation method is used to deal with the non-permeability conditions on soil boundaries.A numerical example is illustrated.Based on this paper,the interactive consolidation analysis between large structure and soil has been more practical.
Key words:
- finite element method /
- consolidation interaction
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