Pinpoint Calculation of Tooth Deflection on Spur Gear by Means of the Method of Complex Variables in Plane Elasticity
摘要: 本论文吸取并发展了目前受到国内外普遍注意的由会田俊夫、寺内喜男和永村和照所开创的用平面弹性理论的复变函数解法求直齿轮轮齿的应力和变形的方法,把它们的应力函数的近似解发展为精确解;提高了映射齿形的精度,提出了用五项分式项表达的、映射误差小于1%m的映射函数;提出了求直接影响齿轮啮合质量的啮合点相对于相邻轮齿中线位移的原则;编制了计算程序,并对计算结果进行了分析.Abstract: This puper incorporated and developed the method originated by A/DA. TERAUCHI. and NAGAMUYA. to which a high value is set presently at home and abroad, in which the stress and deflection of tooth on spurgears are calculated by means of the method of complex variables in plane elasticity. In this paper, their approximate solution was developed to become exact solution. The accuracy of the mapping shape of tooth was increased. It was mentioned that the mapping junction was expressed by five fractional terms, with the mapping error being less than 1% m. A calculating principle was proposed to find out the displacement of contact point in relation to central line of the ndiacent gear tooth affecting the quality of mesh of gears directly. The computer program was made, and according to the computed results, the figures were given so that the displacement of the contact point in the normal direction can be calculated conveniemly for engineering calculation.
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