Extended Bounding Theorems of Limit Analysis
摘要: 本文研究了非连续流动场中,刚塑性介质极限分析完全解的界限问题.提出了一个包括界面条件及间断面条件在内的混合边值问题的广义变分原理,建立了极限载荷乘子的变分解析公式.并证明了一个新的界限定理,其中的场变量将不再受到屈服条件、不可压缩条件等约束的限制.此定理的推论给出了变分解与完全解之间的关系.初步应用表明,对于简单选取的场变量,由本文公式可以得到准确解的较佳界限值,结果具有较好的稳定性.Abstract: This paper studies the bounding problems of the complete solution of limit analysis for a rigid-perfectly plastic medium, allowing for the discontinuity of plastic flow. A generalized variational principle involving conditions of the rigid-plastic interface and the discontinuous surface of a velocity field has been advanced for the mixed-boundary value problem. Based on this principle, a set of variational formulae of limit analysis is established. The safety factors obtained by these formulae lie between the upper and lower bounds obtained by the classical bounding theorems with the same kinematically and statically admissible field.Moreover, extended bounding theorems have been derived and proved, which hold a broader stress and velocity field than the statically and kinematically admissible field. The corollaries of these theorems indicate the relationship between the variational solution and the complete solution of limit analysis. Applications of these theorems show that a close approximation can be obtained by the proposed method with different admissible fields.
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