The Distribution of the Specific Pressure in Rolling Strips
摘要: 轧板时单位压力的分布规律不仅用于计算总轧制力的数值,而且提供计算宽展、设计合理辊型的依据.然而迄今文献上所进行的分析,绝大部分只限于一维表达,不能反映单位压力沿变形区宽度上的变化.本文从变分法的原理出发,得出单位压力分布规律的二维表达式.Abstract: The principle of the distribution of the specific pressure in rolling strips is used not only for calculating the total rolling pressure but also for providing the basis in calculating the widening and in designing the rational roll profile. Hitherto, the results of analysis on this subject in the references are expressed as a function of one dimension, and they cannot reflect the variation of the specific pressure along the width of the contact surface. This paper deals with the two-dimensional expression of the principle.of the distribution of the specific pressure with the help of the calculus of variations.
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