A Dynamic Model for Rocket Launcher With Coupled Rigid and Flexible Motion
摘要: 对刚柔耦合火箭发射架进行了动力学建模.将火箭发射架分成两个子系统,一个是多刚体系统,另一个是空间大位移运动的柔性发射管.先对这两个子系统的动力学分别建模,然后再考虑这两个系统之间的动力学耦合,从而获得整个系统的动力学模型.这种方法把复杂系统离散成简单系统,再由现存的简单系统的动力学模型组合成整个系统的动力学模型,使得整个建模过程高效、方便.Abstract: The dynamics of a coupled rigid-flexible rocket launcher is reported. The coupled rigid-flexible rocket launcher is divided into two subsystems, one is a system of rigid bodies, the other a flexible launch tube which can undergo large overall motions spatially. First, the mathematical models for these two subsystems were established respectively. Then the dynamic model for the whole system was obtained by considering the coupling effect between these two subsystems. The approach reported, which divides a complex system into several simple subsystems first and then obtains the dynamic model for the whole system via combining the existing dynamic models for simple subsystems, can make the modeling procedure efficient and convenient.
Key words:
- coupled rigid-flexible system /
- rocket launcher /
- dynamic modeling
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