Application of Wavelet Theory in Research on Weight Function of Meshless Method
摘要: 小波理论中多分辨率分析(MRA),可以提供在不同分辨率下分析表达信息的有效途径.基于样条小波多分辨率分析,将无单元中的权函数投影到尺度空间去研究,尝试一种新的权函数研究方法,并给出了算例.Abstract: Multiresolution analysis of wavelet theory can give an effective way to describe the information at various levels of approximations or different resolutions, based on spline wavelet analysis, so weight function is orthonormally projected onto a sequence of closed spline subspaces, and is viewed at various levels of approximations or different resolutions. Now, the useful new way to research weight function is found, and the numerical result is given.
Key words:
- meshless method /
- weight function /
- spline wavelet /
- multiresolution analysis
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