Numerical Investigation of Effect of Rolling Manipulation of Traditional Chinese Medical Massage on Blood Flow
摘要: 研究了中医滚法推拿的血液动力学机制.用狭窄轴向运动来模拟滚法推拿,通过轴对称非线性模型和含网格重分算法的任意欧拉-拉格朗日有限元方法研究狭窄轴向运动的轴对称刚性管中的粘性流动.流量和管壁切应力通过数值求解Navier-Stokes方程得到.数值结果表明,狭窄运动的频率,也就是滚法推拿的频率对流量和管壁切应力有很大的扰动作用.滚法推拿中另一个可变参数——刻划狭窄严重程度的狭窄度,对流量和管壁切应力同样表现出显著影响.这些数值结果可以为推拿的临床应用提供一些值得参考的数据.
- 中医推拿 /
- 滚法 /
- 狭窄运动血管 /
- 血液流动 /
- 欧拉-拉格朗日有限元
Abstract: The hemodynamic mechanism of rolling manipulation(RM) of TCMM (traditional Chinese medical massage) is investigated.An axisymmetrical non-liner model and an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian finite element method(ALE-FEM) with rezoning algorithm were introduced to study the viscous flow through an axisymmetrical rigid tube with axially moving stenosis to simulate the rolling manipulation.Flow rate and wall shear stress were obtained by solving complete Navier-Stokes equations numerically.The numerical results show that the stenosis moving frequency,namely the frequency of rolling manipulation,has great effect on the disturbance of flow and the wall shear stress.The stenosis coefficient,which characterizes the severity of the stenosis,another adjustable parameter in rolling manipulation,also shows the significant effect on flow rate and wall shear stress.These numerical results may provide some data that can be taken into consideration when massage is used in clinic. -
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