Similarity Solution of Self-Weight Consolidation Problem for Saturated Soil
摘要: 采用了比以往更为普遍的土体物理力学性质假设,利用Hopf-Cole变换方法求得了厚层土体在自重应力作用下的非线性固结问题的完整解析解答.通过试验数据,将该解答与传统的大应变线性固结理论解答和基于实验数据的有限元数值解答相比较,结果表明,该解答能够更好地描述土体的实际固结过程,而由线性化固结理论所得的解答对固结过程中的沉降量和固结度的估计偏小.Abstract: More general assumption than that in the classical one dimensional large strain consolidation theory is adopted and the exact analytical solution of nonlinear finite strain self-weight consolidation based on this assumption is obtained.By applying the same experimental data,the comparison of the solutions of linear and nonlinear finite strain theory,as well as the numerical calculating results from finite element method is presented.The results of the comparison show that the analytical solution obtained here takes on better agreement with practical cases than that of linear one,and they also show that,compared with the solutions from nonlinear theory,the settlement and the consolidation degree from linear theory are smaller.
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