Onset Condition of Strain Localization in Matrix of Saturated Porous Media
摘要: 应用饱和多孔介质控制方程和Liapunov稳定理论,导出了固相应力和有效应力描述的多孔介质骨架应变局部化的萌生条件.不同应力形式表达的多孔介质基体的控制方程,相应的应变局部化萌生条件的表达形式也不尽相同,其原因源于骨架本构中固液两相之间相互作用的不同描述.应用得出的Terzaghi有效应力描述的应变局部化萌生条件,可以理论解释多孔介质中固、液两相不同相对运动出现的破坏方式,如管涌、滑坡和泥石流.应用简单算例说明了应变局部化条件的具体实施方法.Abstract: Based on governing equations of saturated porous media and Liapunov's stability here,onset conditions matrix of porous media used by solid stress and Terzaghi's effective stress constitutive description under seepage flow state,are presented,which have different forms with different representation of the solid phase,matrix or skeleton,constitutive model of porous media.The main difference relates with how to describe the interaction between solid phase and liquid phase in constitutive model.The derived onset condition of strain localization under Terzaghi's effective stress description can be used to interpret different failure types,piping effect,landslides and mudflows,by means of the type and the magnitude ratio of relative movement between solid phase and liquid phase.Examples here illuminate the onset condition of how to work.
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