Structural Damage Model of Unsaturated Expansive Soil and Its Application in Multi-Field Couple Analysis on Expansive Soil Slope
摘要: 针对原状膨胀土对气候变化反映敏感的特点和其具有胀缩性、裂隙性、超固结性等力学特性,以非饱和土力学和损伤力学为基础,建立了一个非饱和膨胀土的弹塑性损伤本构模型及相应的固结模型.把原状膨胀土看成是由未损部分和损伤部分的复合体,未损部分用非饱和土的非线性本构关系描述,损伤部分用损伤演化方程和两个屈服面(即,加载屈服面和剪切屈服面)描述.其中的损伤演化方程包括加载引起的损伤和干湿循环引起的损伤两个方面,用作者研制的CT-三轴试验确定.设计了相应的有限元程序UESEPDC;对非饱和膨胀土边坡进行了三相多场耦合问题的数值分析.分析分为4个阶段,得到了边坡在每一分析阶段的应力场、位移场、孔隙水压力场、孔隙气压力场、含水量场、基质吸力场、结构损伤演化场和塑性区扩展的动态图,较好地揭示了膨胀土边坡在开挖和气候变化条件下逐渐发生失稳滑动的现象及其机理.Abstract: Focused on the sensitivity to climate change and the special mechanical characteristics of undisturbed expansive soil, an elasto-plastic damage constitutive model were proposed based on the mechanics of unsaturated soil and the mechanics of damage. Undisturbed expansive soil was considered as a compound of non-damage part and damaged part. The behavior of the non-damaged part was described using non-linear constitutive model of unsaturated soil. The property of the damaged part was described using a damage evolution equation and two yield surfaces, i. e., loading yield and shear yield. Further more, a consolidation model for unsaturated undisturbed expansive soil was established and a FEM program named UESEPDC was designed. Numerical analysis on solid-liquid-gas triphases and multi-field couple problem was conducted for four stages and the fields of stress, displacement, pore water pressure, pore air pressure, water content and suction in an expansive soil slope were obtained.
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