Superconvergence Analysis of Wilson’s Element on Anisotropic Meshes
摘要: 在各向异性网格下研究了二阶椭圆边值问题的Wilson有限元方法,利用单元构造的特殊性和一些新的技巧得到相应的超逼近和超收敛结果.数值算例的结果与理论分析是相吻合的.Abstract: The Wilson finite element method is considered to solve a class of two-dimensional second order elliptic boundary value problems. By using the particular structure of the element and some new techniques, the superclose and global superconvergence on anisotropic meshes are obtained. Numerical example is also given to confirm our theoretical analysis.
Key words:
- anisotropic meshes /
- Wilson's element /
- superclose /
- superconvergence
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