Analytical Solutions of Steady Vibration of a Free Rectangular Plate on the Semi-Infinite Elastic Foundation
摘要: 采用双重Fourier变换,分析得到弹性半空间地基受竖向稳态荷载作用下的积分变换解.与四边自由矩形板的振动解析解相结合,得出弹性半空间地基上四边自由矩形板稳态振动的解析解.还给出算例及参数影响分析.Abstract: The method of double Fourier transform was employed in the analysis of the semi-infinite elastic foundation with vertical load.And an integral representations for the displacements of the semi-infinite elastic foundation was presented.The analytical solution of steady vibration of an elastic rectangle plate with four free edges on the semi-infinite elastic foundation was also given by combining the analytical solution of the elastic rectangle plate with the integral representation for displacements of the semi-infinite elastic foundation.Some computational results and the analysis of the parameters influence were presented.
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