Interval Finite Element Method and Its Application on Anti-Slide Stability Analysis
摘要: 通过区间值函数和实值函数的关系探讨了区间相关性导致的区间扩张的问题,给出了保证区间计算获得足够精度的计算方法;提出了基于单元的子区间摄动有限元计算方法,并给出了提高计算效率的一些方法和获得较好计算精度时的子区间数目的近似计算公式.结合工程实例,基于单元的子区间有限元方法和抗滑稳定性分析方法给出了稳定性的区间范围,为更合理地估计和评价结构的抗滑稳定性提供一定的依据.Abstract: The problem of interval correlation results in interval extension is discussed by the relationship of interva-lvalued functions and real-valued functions. The methods of reducing interval extension are given. Based on the ideas of the paper, the formulas of sub-interval perturbed finite element method based on the elements were given. The sub-interval amount is discussed and the approximate computation formula was given. At the same time, the computational precision was discussed and some measures of improving computational efficiency were given. Finally, based on sub-interval perturbed finite element method and anti-slide stability analysis method, the formula for computing the bounds of stability factor was given. Which will provide a basis for estimating and evaluating reasonably anti-slide stability of structures.
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