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B·Kh·艾什马托夫. 黏弹性圆柱壳计及切变形和转动惯量时的动力学稳定性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2007, 28(10): 1175-1184.
引用本文: B·Kh·艾什马托夫. 黏弹性圆柱壳计及切变形和转动惯量时的动力学稳定性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2007, 28(10): 1175-1184.
B. Kh. Eshmatov. Dynamic Stability of Viscoelastic Circular Cylindrical Shells Taking Into Account Shear Deformation and Rotatory Inertia[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(10): 1175-1184.
Citation: B. Kh. Eshmatov. Dynamic Stability of Viscoelastic Circular Cylindrical Shells Taking Into Account Shear Deformation and Rotatory Inertia[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(10): 1175-1184.




  • 中图分类号: O347.2

Dynamic Stability of Viscoelastic Circular Cylindrical Shells Taking Into Account Shear Deformation and Rotatory Inertia

  • 摘要: 根据修正的Timoshenko理论,在几何非线性中考虑了剪切变形和转动惯量,对黏弹性圆柱壳的动力稳定性进行了研究.根据Bubnov-Galerkin法,结合基于求积公式的数值方法,将问题简化为求解具有松弛奇异核的非线性积分-微分方程的问题.针对物理-力学和几何参数在大范围内的变化,研究壳体的动力特性,显示了材料的黏弹性对圆柱壳动力稳定性的影响.最后,比较了通过不同的理论得到的结果.
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  • 收稿日期:  2007-02-15
  • 修回日期:  2007-06-26
  • 刊出日期:  2007-10-15


