Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of the Central Rigid Body-Timoshenko Beam Model Based on Unconstrained Modes
- 刚柔耦合 /
- 动力刚化 /
- Timoshenko梁 /
- 非约束模态
Abstract:The transverse deformation of the beam will lead to the longitudinal shortening deformation, and this transverse-longitudinal deformation coupling will bring the dynamic stiffening effect term on the generalized rigidity of the beam model. For the rotating beam structure, the centrifugal force will cause axial tension, with coupling axial and transverse deformation of the beam and bring additional geometric stiffness, which is more obvious for the thick short beam. The central rigid body-Timoshenko beam model with a large-range-motion center was investigated. Firstly, the dynamic model with centrifugal forces was established by means of the Timoshenko beam theory and the Hamilton principle. Secondly, the unconstrained mode concept was introduced, and the unconstrained mode shape functions and natural frequencies were solved with the Frobenius method. Finally, numerical simulations were carried out to explore the difference of generalized stiffness between the unconstrained mode and the constrained mode at different constant speeds, and the effects of centrifugal forces on the model under unconstrained mode condition were discussed.
Key words:
- rigid-flexible coupling /
- dynamic stiffening /
- Timoshenko beam /
- unconstrained mode
表 1 Timoshenko 梁参数
Table 1. Parameters of the Timoshenko beam
beam parameter length L / m cross-sectional
area Ab / m2cross-sectional moment
of inertia I / m4Young’s modulus
$\rho /({\rm{kg} }/{ {\rm{m} }^{ 3} })$Poisson’s
ratio $\upsilon $shear
coefficient $\kappa $value 0.5 1.6E−3 2.56E−6 163.8 7 850 0.3 5/6 -
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