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李利萍 唐垒 潘一山 邰英楼 张海涛

李利萍,唐垒,潘一山,邰英楼,张海涛. 基于FLAC-3D砂岩块体超低摩擦鞭梢效应研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(3):300-311 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420104
引用本文: 李利萍,唐垒,潘一山,邰英楼,张海涛. 基于FLAC-3D砂岩块体超低摩擦鞭梢效应研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(3):300-311 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420104
LI Liping, TANG Lei, PAN Yishan, TAI Yinglou, ZHANG Haitao. Ultralow Friction Whipping Effects of Sandstone Blocks Based on FLAC-3D[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(3): 300-311. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420104
Citation: LI Liping, TANG Lei, PAN Yishan, TAI Yinglou, ZHANG Haitao. Ultralow Friction Whipping Effects of Sandstone Blocks Based on FLAC-3D[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(3): 300-311. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420104


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420104
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51974148);辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”项目(XLYC1807130)


    唐垒(1996—),男,硕士(通讯作者. E-mail:tanglei0929@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TD324; O347

Ultralow Friction Whipping Effects of Sandstone Blocks Based on FLAC-3D

  • 摘要:

    随着矿山开采深度的持续增加,深部岩体力学行为呈现出新形式、新特征。广泛应用于建筑行业的鞭梢效应与深部岩体部分动力响应现象极为相似。故从结构特征出发,以砂岩块体为研究对象,工作块体(水平冲击作用块体)水平位移及加速度为参考指标,通过试验及FLAC-3D数值模拟计算的方式,探究工作块体“位置”及“尺寸”对其超低摩擦鞭梢效应影响机制。研究表明:系统产生超低摩擦鞭梢效应的难易程度与工作块体尺寸密切相关,模拟中工作块体边长为标准块体(边长100 mm立方体)边长2/5时,系统结构诱发超低摩擦鞭梢效应尤其显著;在一定范围内,工作块体所处位置距扰动源越远,超低摩擦鞭梢效应强度越大,当超过这一范围时,则会出现减小趋势,即超低摩擦鞭梢效应强度随工作块体与震源块体间距离呈先增后减关系。

  • 图  1  超低摩擦鞭梢效应理论基准模型

    Figure  1.  The theoretical model for the ultra low-friction whiplash effect of sandstone blocks

    图  2  超低摩擦鞭梢效应理论基准模型模拟

    Figure  2.  The numerical simulation model for the ultra low-friction whiplash effect of sandstone blocks

    图  3  砂岩块体单轴压缩试验

    Figure  3.  Uniaxial compression tests of sandstone blocks

    图  4  不同水平静力作用下砂岩工作块体水平位移变化曲线

    Figure  4.  Horizontal displacement variation curves of the sandstone working block under different horizontal static forces

    图  5  块系模型加载试验装置

    Figure  5.  The block model loading test device

    图  6  垂直扰动及水平静力作用下工作块体水平位移动态响应曲线:(a) 模拟结果;(b) 实验数据

    Figure  6.  Dynamic response curves of the horizontal displacement of the working block under vertical disturbance and horizontal static force: (a) the simulated results; (b) the test data

    7  不同尺寸工作块体水平位移时程曲线:(a) 边长100 mm立方体试件;(b) 边长80 mm立方体试件;(c) 边长60 mm立方体试件;(d) 边长40 mm立方体试件;(e) 边长20 mm立方体试件

    7.  Time history curves of horizontal displacements of working blocks with different sizes: (a) the cubic specimen with a side length of 100 mm; (b) the cubic specimen with a side length of 80 mm; (c) the cubic specimen with a side length of 60 mm; (d) the cubic specimen with a side length of 40 mm; (e) the cubic specimen with a side length of 20 mm

    8  工作块体加速度幅值变化曲线:(a) 边长100 mm立方体试件;(b) 边长80 mm立方体试件;(c) 边长60 mm立方体试件;(d) 边长40 mm立方体试件;(e) 边长20 mm立方体试件

    8.  Change curves of acceleration amplitudes of working blocks: (a) the cubic specimen with a side length of 100 mm; (b) the cubic specimen with a side length of 80 mm; (c) the cubic specimen with a side length of 60 mm; (d) the cubic specimen with a side length of 40 mm; (e) the cubic specimen with a side length of 20 mm

    图  9  工作块体不同位置下水平位移时程曲线:(a) 工况1;(b) 工况2;(c) 工况3;(d) 工况4

    Figure  9.  Time history curves of horizontal displacements at different heights of the working block: (a) working condition 1; (b) working condition 2; (c) working condition 3; (d) working condition 4

    图  10  不同工况下工作块体水平位移幅值变化曲线

    Figure  10.  Variation curve of horizontal displacement amplitude of working block under different working conditions

    图  11  工作块体受力示意图

    Figure  11.  The force diagram for the working block

    图  12  工作块体加速度幅值变化曲线:(a) 工况1;(b) 工况2;(c) 工况3;(d) 工况4

    Figure  12.  Change curves of acceleration amplitudes of the working block: (a) working condition 1; (b) working condition 2; (c) working condition 3; (d) working condition 4

    图  13  工作块体加速度幅值变化曲线

    Figure  13.  Change curves of acceleration amplitudes of the working block

    表  1  砂岩块体力学参数

    Table  1.   Physical parameters of sandstone blocks

    ρ/(kg/m3) 2750
    Rm/MPa 0.77
    C /MPa 2.2
    ϕ/(°) 30
    E/GPa 5.39
    υ 0.239
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    表  2  砂岩块体间接触面力学参数

    Table  2.   Mechanical parameters of contact surfaces between sandstone blocks

    Rm /MPa 0.039
    C /MPa 0.11
    ϕ/(°) 15
    kn/(GPa/m) 6342
    ks/(GPa/m) 6342
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