Lower Bounds for Blow-Up Time of Reaction-Diffusion Equations With Gradient Terms and Nonlocal Terms
Abstract:The research on the blow-up time of solutions to the reaction-diffusion equations has much theoretical significance. Moreover, it is closely related to practical problems such as production safety control, population density control and environmental chemotaxis control. The lower bounds for the blow-up time of solutions to a class of reaction-diffusion equations with gradient terms and nonlocal terms, were considered. Firstly, the region was assumed to be a bounded convex one with smooth boundary in the high-dimensional space. Secondly, through the establishment of suitable auxiliary functions, and with the 1st-order differential inequality and the Sobolev inequality, the lower bounds for the blow-up time were derived for finite-time blow-up occurences. Finally, 2 application examples illustrate the abstract results obtained with this method.
Key words:
- reaction-diffusion equation /
- gradient term /
- nonlocal term /
- blow-up time
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