A Green’s Function Construction Method of the Single Well Seepage Model for Asymmetric Fractures
Abstract:The seepage law for asymmetric fractures can be solved by the Green’s function method. According to the basic seepage theory, the point source mathematical model for asymmetric fractures was established. The dimensionless point source mathematical model differential equation in the Laplacian space was obtained through the dimensionless transformation and the Laplacian transformation. By means of the unknown Green’s function combined with the point source differential equation, and in view of the homogeneous boundary conditions for the point source differential equation and the characteristics of the point source differential equation, a general construction method for Green’s function was given to meet the homogeneous boundary conditions for the point source differential equation and the solution of the unknown objective function. According to the symmetry and continuity of spatial Green’s function, the Green form of the asymmetric fracture point source model was obtained. Finally, through the seepage mathematical model for the asymmetric-fracture vertical well, it was verified that the 2 forms of Green’s function are consistent with the results calculated in references and with the commercial well test analysis software Saphir.
Key words:
- Green’s function /
- asymmetric fracture /
- fractured well /
- unequal-spacing grid
符号说明 $ {x_{\text{w}}} $ 井偏离裂缝中心位置的位移,m $ {L_{\text{F}}} $ 裂缝的半长,m $ {W_{\text{F}}} $ 裂缝的宽度,m $ {k_{\text{F}}} $ 裂缝的渗透率,m2 $ {p_{\text{F}}} $ 裂缝中流体压力,Pa $ \mu $ 流体的黏度,Pa.s $ q $ 1/2裂缝单元总流量,m3/s $ h $ 储层厚度,m $ {L_{{\text{ref}}}} $ 参考长度,一般取裂缝的半长,m ${\text{δ} }\left( {x - {x_{\text{w} } } } \right)$ Dirac函数 $ k $ 储层的有效渗透率,m2 $ G\left( {{x_{\text{D}}};\alpha } \right) $ 空间位置Green函数 $ s $ Laplace变量 $ {G'}\left( {{x_{\text{D}}};\alpha } \right) $ Green函数一阶导数 $ p $ 地层中任意位置的压力,Pa ${G'' }\left( { {x_{\text{D} } };\alpha } \right)$ Green函数二阶导数 $ {x_{{\text{asmy}}}} $ 不对称因子,无因次 $ \eta \left( {{x_{\text{D}}} - \alpha } \right) $ 单位阶跃函数 $ \alpha $ 空间位置Green函数原像位置,m $ {C_{{\text{FD}}}} $ 无因次裂缝导流能力,无因次 $ {q_{\text{F}}} $ 单位长度裂缝线流量,m3/s $ {{\text{K}}_0}\left( x \right) $ 第二类零阶修正Bessel函数 ${p_{\rm{i}}}$ 原始地层压力,Pa $ {{\text{I}}_0}\left( x \right) $ 第一类零阶Bessel函数 $ {r_{{\text{eD}}}} $ 外边界无因次半径,无因次 $ {x_{{\text{midD}}\left( i \right)}} $ 裂缝离散第i个网格的中点 $ {x_{{\text{D}}\left( j \right)}} $ 裂缝离散第j个网格的左边界 $ {x_{{\text{D}}\left( {j + 1} \right)}} $ 裂缝离散第j个网格的右边界 $ {(\cdot)_{\text{D}}} $ 无因次变量 $ \overline{(\cdot)} $ Laplace空间参数 -
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