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黄蓉 邓杨芳 翁智峰

黄蓉, 邓杨芳, 翁智峰. SAV/重心插值配点法求解Allen-Cahn方程[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(5): 573-582. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430149
引用本文: 黄蓉, 邓杨芳, 翁智峰. SAV/重心插值配点法求解Allen-Cahn方程[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(5): 573-582. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430149
HUANG Rong, DENG Yangfang, WENG Zhifeng. The SAV Scheme Based on the Barycentric Interpolation Collocation Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(5): 573-582. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430149
Citation: HUANG Rong, DENG Yangfang, WENG Zhifeng. The SAV Scheme Based on the Barycentric Interpolation Collocation Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(5): 573-582. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430149


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430149

国家自然科学基金项目 11701197

中央高校基本科研业务费 ZQN-702


    黄蓉(1995—),女,硕士生(E-mail: hraccount@163.com)

    邓杨芳(1997—),女,硕士生(E-mail: hqudeng@163.com)


    翁智峰(1985—),男,副教授(通讯作者. E-mail: zfwmath@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: O241.82

The SAV Scheme Based on the Barycentric Interpolation Collocation Method for the Allen-Cahn Equation

Recommended by ZHAO Jingjun, M. AMM Editorial Board
  • 摘要: 采用标量辅助变量(scalar auxiliary variable, SAV)方法结合重心插值配点法求解二维Allen-Cahn方程. 在时间方向上分别采用Crank-Nicolson格式、二阶向后差分格式离散,空间方向上采用重心Lagrange插值配点法离散,建立了两种无条件能量稳定SAV格式,并给出了重心插值配点格式的逼近性质. 数值实验表明:两种SAV配点格式的时间收敛阶为二阶,并满足能量递减规律. 与空间采用有限差分法离散对比,重心Lagrange配点格式具有指数收敛的特性.
    1)  我刊编委赵景军推荐
  • 图  1  不同数值格式的能量演化图(ε=0.1)


    Figure  1.  Time evolution curves of the free energy of different schemes(ε=0.1)

    图  2  不同数值格式的空间收敛阶

    Figure  2.  The convergence rates in space of different numerical schemes

    图  3  在不同时刻的数值快照(ε=0.06)

    Figure  3.  Snapshots of the numerical approximation at different moments(ε=0.06)

    图  4  相变u在不同时刻的快照图(算例3)

    Figure  4.  Snapshots of the phase field u at different moments for example 3

    图  5  u的数值解在不同时刻的快照(算例4)

    Figure  5.  Snapshots of the numerical approximation of u at different moments for example 4

    表  1  采用CN2-BLI、BDF2-BLI格式求解uL2误差

    Table  1.   The L2 errors of u solved by CN2-BLI and BDF2-BLI schemes

    τ CN2-BLI order BDF2-BLI order
    1.6×10-3 9.55×10-6 - 1.59×10-5 -
    8×10-4 2.38×10-6 2.00 3.97×10-6 2.00
    4×10-4 5.96×10-7 2.00 9.91×10-7 2.00
    2×10-4 1.49×10-7 2.00 2.48×10-7 2.00
    1×10-4 3.84×10-8 1.96 6.34×10-8 1.97
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    表  2  不同空间离散方案的精度对比结果

    Table  2.   The accuracy comparison of different discretization schemes in space

    (M, N) CN2-BLI (M, N) BDF2-BLI (M, N) CN2-FD
    (8, 8) 3.25×10-4 (8, 8) 3.25×10-4 (40, 40) 2.54×10-3
    (9, 9) 4.43×10-5 (9, 9) 4.43×10-5 (60, 60) 1.13×10-3
    (10, 10) 6.57×10-6 (10, 10) 6.57×10-6 (80, 80) 6.34×10-4
    (12, 12) 1.18×10-7 (12, 12) 1.09×10-7 (100, 100) 4.06×10-4
    (15, 15) 2.98×10-8 (15, 15) 4.68×10-8 (120, 120) 2.82×10-4
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