Topology Optimizations of Integrated Thermal Protection Systems in Multiple Reentry Load Cases
摘要: 一体化热防护系统(integrated thermal protection system, ITPS)需要同时满足承载与隔热的需求. 以波纹夹芯方案的ITPS为例,这需要其连接结构具有较高的力学性能与较低的热导率. 而再入环境的工况恶劣,如何合理地设计连接结构是ITPS性能提升的关键. 为解决这一问题,综合考虑了再入过程中气动热载荷最大时刻和气动压力载荷最大时刻对应的两种极端工况,以应变能和净传热速率的最小化作为目标函数,将质量作为约束条件,对ITPS的连接结构进行了拓扑优化. 随后对拓扑优化得到的构型重新建模并进行了热力耦合分析. 结果表明,拓扑优化得到的连接结构与文献中的初始波纹夹芯构型和单一工况下拓扑优化得到的构型相比,上面板的最大位移、下面板的温度和质量均有效降低. 由于材料用量的减少和结构复杂度的增加,连接结构在应力水平上有所增加,但仍满足使用需求. 这表明了考虑多再入工况的拓扑优化策略可以有效提升ITPS的刚度与隔热能力,缓解结构的热短路效应. 随着增材制造等相关技术的发展,拓扑优化在ITPS的连接结构以及其他的热结构设计中具有广阔的前景.Abstract: The integrated thermal protection system (ITPS) needs to meet both load-bearing and heat-insulating requirements. In terms of the ITPS with a corrugated sandwich structure, this requires the connection structure of the ITPS to have high mechanical properties with low thermal conductivity. However, the re-entry environment is severe, how to reasonably design the connection structure is key to improve the performances of the ITPS. To solve this problem, 2 extreme load conditions corresponding to the maximum aerodynamic heat load and the maximum aerodynamic pressure load during the reentry process were comprehensively considered, the objective function was constructed with the minimized strain energy and the net heat transfer rate, the mass was used as a constraint, and the topology optimization of the ITPS connection structure was carried out. Then, the configuration obtained through the topology optimization was reconstructed and the thermal mechanical coupling analysis was carried out. The results show that, the maximum displacement of the top panel, the temperature of the bottom panel and the mass of the optimized connection structure were reduced effectively compared with those of the initial corrugated sandwich configuration and the topology optimization configuration in single load cases in the literatures. Due to the reduction of material consumption and the increase of the structural complexity, the stress level of the connection structure increases, but it still meets the requirements of use. This means that, the topology optimization strategy considering multiple reentry load cases can effectively improve the stiffness and the insulation capacity of the ITPS and alleviate the thermal short-circuiting of the structure. With the development of additive manufacturing and other related technologies, the topology optimization method has broad prospects in the design of the connection structures for the ITPS and other thermal structures.
Key words:
- integrated thermal protection system /
- topology optimization /
- multiple load cases /
- thermo-mechanical coupling
edited-byedited-by1) (我刊编委唐光武来稿) -
表 1 ITPS的尺寸参数
Table 1. Sizes of the referenced ITPS design
parameter value parameter value tT/mm 2.1 h/mm 120.0 tW/mm 3.1 L/mm 117.0 tB/mm 5.3 θ/(°) 71.0 表 2 材料性能参数
Table 2. Material properties
material Inconel 718 TC4 Al 2024 Saffil density ρ/(kg/m3) 8 100 4 440 2 770 50 elastic modulus E/GPa 199(393 K)
153(1 033 K)115 71 - Poisson’s ratio μ 0.294 0.3 0.33 - thermal expansion coefficient α/K-1 1.26×10-5(373 K)
1.61×10-5(1 033 K)9.6×10-6 2.0×10-5 - thermal conductivity k/(W/(m·K)) 11.1(293 K)
28(1 273 K)7.6 816(255 K)
975(477 K)0.014(477 K)
0.154(1 144 K)specific heat c/(J/kg) 432(293 K)
620(1 070 K)560 944 942(389 K)
1 339(1 170 K)表 3 优化构型与参考构型的结构响应对比
Table 3. Comparison of structural responses between optimized configurations with reference configurations
ref #1 ref #2 opt #1 opt #2 DT, max/mm 5.16 2.97 1.90 1.87 TB, max/K 393.20 346.38 333.57 328.33 ST, max/MPa 579.61 289.36 327.80 312.99 SW, max/MPa 291.90 353.02 384.11 383.51 SB, max/MPa 199.30 52.43 99.67 88.38 Vf 0.045 2 0.045 1 0.032 0 0.029 0 -
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