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周睿 张志家 张旺 张钱城 魏欣 随亚光 王建强 金峰

周睿, 张志家, 张旺, 张钱城, 魏欣, 随亚光, 王建强, 金峰. 多壁管增强泡沫铝结构动态响应及吸能性能研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(1): 12-24. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440186
引用本文: 周睿, 张志家, 张旺, 张钱城, 魏欣, 随亚光, 王建强, 金峰. 多壁管增强泡沫铝结构动态响应及吸能性能研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(1): 12-24. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440186
ZHOU Rui, ZHANG Zhijia, ZHANG Wang, ZHANG Qiancheng, WEI Xin, SUI Yaguang, WANG Jianqiang, JIN Feng. Dynamic Response and Energy Absorption Performances of Multi-Walled Tube Reinforced Aluminum Foam Structure[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(1): 12-24. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440186
Citation: ZHOU Rui, ZHANG Zhijia, ZHANG Wang, ZHANG Qiancheng, WEI Xin, SUI Yaguang, WANG Jianqiang, JIN Feng. Dynamic Response and Energy Absorption Performances of Multi-Walled Tube Reinforced Aluminum Foam Structure[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(1): 12-24. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440186


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440186

国家自然科学基金(面上项目) 12072250


    周睿(1997—),女,硕士生(E-mail: 1031168574@qq.com)


    王建强(1984—), 男,研究员,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: zhangzhi151@xjtu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: TB301

Dynamic Response and Energy Absorption Performances of Multi-Walled Tube Reinforced Aluminum Foam Structure

  • 摘要: 为了提高泡沫铝吸能性能,该文将多壁管及泡沫铝材料相结合,提出了一种多壁管增强泡沫铝结构. 通过Hopkinson压杆试验以及有限元分析软件ABAQUS/Explicit,研究了泡沫铝、多壁管及其增强泡沫铝的动态压溃特性. 对比分析了泡沫铝复合多壁管前后的变形模式、吸能性能,并讨论了多壁管增强泡沫铝的应变率效应以及应变率对多壁管增强泡沫铝耦合增强作用的影响. 研究表明,有限元仿真能够较好地模拟试验结果. 测试结果表明所采用的泡沫铝应变率效应不明显,而多壁管及多壁管增强泡沫铝应变率效应较为明显,在高应变率下其能量吸收可进一步提升. 在动态冲击条件下,多壁管增强泡沫铝峰值力相比单一多壁管或泡沫有明显的耦合增强,其能量吸收相比单一多壁管及泡沫铝能量吸收之和提升10.34%. 通过研究多壁管增强泡沫铝的动态压溃特性,可为承载吸能构件的应用提供依据和参考.
  • 图  1  Hopkinson压杆试验装置

    Figure  1.  Hopkinson pressure bar tester

    图  2  MWTRF试样

    Figure  2.  The MWTRF specimen

    图  3  有限元模型

    Figure  3.  The finite element model

    图  4  典型的泡沫铝波形图(v=3.8 m/s)

    Figure  4.  The typical waveforms for the aluminum foam (v=3.8 m/s)

    图  5  泡沫铝的应变率

    Figure  5.  The strain rates of the aluminum foam

    图  6  AF不同应变率下的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  6.  AF stress-strain curves at different strain rates

    图  7  泡沫铝动态变形过程(41 s-1)

    Figure  7.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam (41 s-1)

    图  8  泡沫铝动态变形过程(102 s-1)

    Figure  8.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam (102 s-1)

    图  9  多壁管的应变率

    Figure  9.  Strain rates of the multiwalled tube

    图  10  EMWT应力-应变曲线试验及有限元结果对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison of EMWT stress-strain test curves with finite element results

    图  11  多壁管动态变形过程(50 s-1)

    Figure  11.  The dynamic deformation process of the multi-walled tube (50 s-1)

    图  12  多壁管动态变形过程(107 s-1)

    Figure  12.  The dynamic deformation process of the multi-walled tube (107 s-1)

    图  13  多壁管增强泡沫铝的应变率

    Figure  13.  The strain rates of the multiwalled tube reinforced aluminum foam

    图  14  MWTRF的应变率

    Figure  14.  The strain rates of the MWTRF

    图  15  MWTRF应力-应变曲线试验及有限元结果对比

    Figure  15.  Comparison of stress-strain test curves with finite element results of the MWTRF

    图  16  多壁管增强泡沫铝动态变形过程(52 s-1)

    Figure  16.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam enhanced by multi-walled tubes (52 s-1)

    图  17  多壁管增强泡沫铝动态变形过程(108 s-1)

    Figure  17.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam enhanced by multi-walled tubes (108 s-1)

    图  18  多壁管增强泡沫铝动态变形过程(143 s-1)

    Figure  18.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam enhanced by multi-walled tubes (143 s-1)

    图  19  多壁管增强泡沫铝动态变形过程(202 s-1)

    Figure  19.  The dynamic deformation process of the aluminum foam enhanced by multi-walled tubes (202 s-1)

    图  20  平均载荷随应变率的变化情况

    Figure  20.  The variations of the average load with the strain rates

    图  21  能量吸收曲线

    Figure  21.  The energy absorption curves

    图  22  能量吸收增强示意图


    Figure  22.  Schematic diagram of enhanced energy absorption

    表  1  动态冲击试验试样参数

    Table  1.   Specimen parameters for dynamic impact tests

    specimen number height h/mm diameter d1/mm diameter d2/mm thickness t/mm mass M/g
    AF-9 40 - 56.78 - 40.4
    AF-5 40.015 - 56.715 - 43.2
    AF-1 40.04 - 56.73 - 43.8
    EMWT-2 40.00 31.80 31.80 1 16
    EMWT-3 40.08 31.92 31.92 1 16.2
    EMWT-1 40.02 31.99 31.99 1 16.2
    EMWT-4 40.08 31.95 31.95 1 16.2
    MWTRF-3 40.16 31.80 56.86 1 59
    MWTRF-4 40.092 31.92 56.77 1 58.4
    MWTRF-1 40.08 31.99 56.79 1 60.2
    MWTRF-5 40.056 31.95 56.78 1 58.2
    MWTRF-6 40.204 56.85 59.2
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    表  2  试验设置

    Table  2.   The test setup

    sample speed
    4 m/s 9 m/s 13 m/s 18 m/s
    AF - -
    EMWT - -
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    表  3  材料参数

    Table  3.   Material parameters

    material density ρ/(kg/m3) Young’s modulus E/MPa yield strength σy/MPa tensile strength σt/MPa Poisson’s ratio ν
    Al6061 2 700 70 000 190 230 0.3
    Al foam 400 500 6.09 - 0.11
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