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沈洋 王企鲲 刘唐京

沈洋, 王企鲲, 刘唐京. 剪切稀化流变特性对微通道中颗粒迁移的影响[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 637-650. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440326
引用本文: 沈洋, 王企鲲, 刘唐京. 剪切稀化流变特性对微通道中颗粒迁移的影响[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(5): 637-650. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440326
SHEN Yang, WANG Qikun, LIU Tangjing. Effect of Shear Thinning Rheological Properties on Particle Migration in Microchannels[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 637-650. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440326
Citation: SHEN Yang, WANG Qikun, LIU Tangjing. Effect of Shear Thinning Rheological Properties on Particle Migration in Microchannels[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(5): 637-650. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440326


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440326

    沈洋(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 1025565890@qq.com)


    王企鲲(1978—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: wangqk@usst.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O359

Effect of Shear Thinning Rheological Properties on Particle Migration in Microchannels

  • 摘要: 该文采用“相对运动模型”对剪切稀化流体中的颗粒聚集现象进行了数值模拟,为了解剪切稀化效应在微流体中对颗粒力学特性的影响,对黏弹性流体和非黏弹性流体进行了剪切稀化的匹配.研究结果表明,剪切稀化特性可以明显改变颗粒的力学特性.在非黏弹性流体中,剪切稀化能导致颗粒的聚集位置向壁面移动,并且对颗粒的聚集速度具有激励作用;在黏弹性流体中,剪切稀化效应的发生会伴随着流体弹性的降低,从而导致颗粒由中心聚集转而向壁面聚集.另外,该文还观察到低剪切稀化且高弹性情况下颗粒惯性升力指向通道中心的现象.
  • 图  1  计算模型示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the calculation model

    图  2  Carreau流体与Giesekus流体剪切稀化特性拟合情况


    Figure  2.  Fitting of shear thinning characteristics between the Carreau fluid and the Giesekus fluid

    图  3  网格示意图

    Figure  3.  Grid diagram

    图  4  网格无关性验证

    Figure  4.  Grid independence verification

    图  5  颗粒的升力结果对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of particle lift results

    图  6  对应工况Carreau流体中颗粒移动速度

    Figure  6.  Particle movement velocities in the Carreau fluid under corresponding working conditions

    图  7  对应工况Carreau流体中颗粒惯性升力分布情况

    Figure  7.  Distributions of particle inertia lifts in the Carreau fluid under corresponding working conditions

    图  8  对应工况Carreau流体中颗粒升力分布情况

    Figure  8.  Distributions of particle lifts in the Carreau fluid under corresponding working conditions

    图  9  Carreau流体与不同Re数下Newton流体中颗粒升力的分布情况对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of particle lift distributions in the Carreau fluid and the Newtonian fluid at different Re numbers

    图  10  Giesekus流体中,颗粒升力分布变化情况

    Figure  10.  Changes in particle lift distributions in the Giesekus fluid

    图  11  改变Giesekus流体剪切稀化对颗粒弹性升力分布的影响

    Figure  11.  The effects of changing the shear thinning of the Giesekus fluid on the elastic lift distributions of particles

    图  12  改变Giesekus流体剪切稀化对颗粒惯性升力分布的影响

    Figure  12.  The effects of changing the shear thinning of the Giesekus fluid on the distributions of particle inertia lifts

    图  13  r+=0.1时,x=0截面的第一法向应力差系数云图及速度矢量图

    Figure  13.  The contours with velocity vectors of the first normal stress difference coefficient of the x=0 section at r+=0.1

    图  14  r+=0.3时,x=0截面的第一法向应力差系数云图及速度矢量图

    Figure  14.  The contours with velocity vectors of the first normal stress difference coefficient of the x=0 section r+=0.3

    图  15  r+=0.6时,x=0截面的第一法向应力差系数云图及速度矢量图

    Figure  15.  The contours with velocity vectors of the first normal stress difference coefficient of the x=0 section at r+=0.6

    图  16  不同工况下,圆管内颗粒附近压力云图

    Figure  16.  Pressure contours near particles in a circular tube under different working conditions

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