Abstract: In order to predict the strength of a composite only based on the mechanical properties of its constituent fiber and matrix materials measured independently, 3 challenging problems must be resolved with high success rate. First, internal stresses in the fiber and matrix must be accurately evaluated....
Abstract: An analytical method was formulated for the random seismic analysis of multi-supported pipelines subjected to spatially varying ground motions. With the pseudo-excitation method, the stationary random seismic responses were proven to be represented in terms of deterministic responses of pipelines un...
Abstract: The stochastic bifurcations in a Duffing system driven by additive dichotomous noises were investigated. Firstly, the transition probability of the dichotomous noise states was deduced according to its statistical properties and then the dichotomous noise was simulated numerically. Secondly, the sta...
Abstract: According to Hamilton’s principle, a new mathematical model was established and the analytical solutions to the nonlocal Timoshenko beam model (ANT) were obtained based on the nonlocal elastic continuum theory in view of shear deformation and nonlocal effects. The new ANT equilibrium equations and b...
Abstract: In view of the importance of surface stress in controlling mechanical responses of nanoscale structures, the effects of surface stresses on the elastic field around a circular hole in an elastic half plane were analyzed. The complex variable function method was adopted to derive the fundamental solu...
Abstract: Based on an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, the spreading deformation of 3D PTT droplets impacting onto solid surface was numerically simulated. In order to prevent the fluid particles from crossing the suface, an improved treatment technique for the suface boundary was propos...
Abstract: Leakage is the primary failure form of the dry gas seal, while the end face of the seal ring makes the main leaking channel. For some specific conditions, based on the relationships between the structural parameters and the gas film properties of the seal ring, the methods of finite element simulati...
Abstract: A class of nonlinear diffusion equation initial value problems about dust plasma diffusion in atmosphere were investigated. Firstly, the exact solution to the non-disturbed dust plasma diffusion equation was obtained with the Fourier transformation method. Then a homotopic mapping was introduced and...
Abstract: Under the conditions of naturally quasi C-convexity of -f(·,y,u) and upper (-C)-continuity of f, an auxiliary function was constructed and an existence theorem for solutions to generalized strong vector quasi-equilibrium problems (for short, GSVQEPs) was established based on a method of proof other ...
Abstract: The bivariate osculatory rational interpolation is an important element of rational interpolation, and reducing the degrees of the osculatory rational interpolation functions and solving their existence make an important problem. The bivariate osculatory rational interpolation algorithms mostly have...
Abstract: First, linear scalarization of the proximal proper efficient points to a closed set was presented under the generalized convexity assumption, and the equivalency among the proximal proper efficiency, Benson proper efficiency and Borwein proper efficiency in multiobjective optimization problems was p...