Volume 42 Issue 10
Oct.  2021
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TAO Ze, LI Moxiao, TI Fei, LIU Yonggang, LIU Shaobao, LU Tianjian. Mechanics of Low-Temperature Phase Transition in Liquid-Filled Elastic Capillary Tube[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 42(10): 1045-1061. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420301
Citation: TAO Ze, LI Moxiao, TI Fei, LIU Yonggang, LIU Shaobao, LU Tianjian. Mechanics of Low-Temperature Phase Transition in Liquid-Filled Elastic Capillary Tube[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 42(10): 1045-1061. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420301

Mechanics of Low-Temperature Phase Transition in Liquid-Filled Elastic Capillary Tube

doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420301


The National Natural Science Foundation of China(12032010

  • Received Date: 2021-09-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-10-14
  • Publish Date: 2021-10-01
  • Liquid-filled elastic capillaries are a kind of standard component in life body (e.g., capillary blood vessel and plant vessel) and engineering fields (e.g., MEMS microchannel resonators and heat pipes). Under sufficiently low-temperature, the liquid in a capillary tube will undergo a phase transition and exhibit a frozen-heave effect, which may cause deformation, damage, and even fracture of the tube wall. In this study, we established the governing equation of an elastic capillary tube, with temperature gradient, interfacial tension, and frozen-heave effect accounted for, and solved the equation for stresses developed in the tube wall during freezing. It is demonstrated that stress distribution in tube wall is influenced by the thermoelastocapillary number and the freezeoelastocapillary number, both dependent upon wall thickness. Results obtained in this study are not only helpful for understanding the prevention of frozen-heave failure, but also provide theoretical guidance for tailoring the freezing resistance of microfluidic devices used in MEMS.
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