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庄昕 刘付军 孙艳萍 王惠玲

庄昕,刘付军,孙艳萍,王惠玲. 非等温黏弹性聚合物流体圆柱绕流的高精度数值模拟 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1380-1391 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430127
引用本文: 庄昕,刘付军,孙艳萍,王惠玲. 非等温黏弹性聚合物流体圆柱绕流的高精度数值模拟 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1380-1391 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430127
ZHUANG Xin, LIU Fujun, SUN Yanping, WANG Huiling. High Accuracy Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Viscoelastic Polymer Fluid Past a Cylinder[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1380-1391. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430127
Citation: ZHUANG Xin, LIU Fujun, SUN Yanping, WANG Huiling. High Accuracy Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Viscoelastic Polymer Fluid Past a Cylinder[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1380-1391. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430127


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430127
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11901162);河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划基金(21A110006)

    庄昕(1983—),女,讲师,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: zhuangxin1983@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: O242.1; O373

High Accuracy Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Viscoelastic Polymer Fluid Past a Cylinder

  • 摘要:

    采用同位网格有限体积(coupled and linked equations algorithm revised,CLEAR)方法求解黏性和XPP (eXtended Pom-Pom)黏弹性流动的控制方程,基于延时修正方法构造了动量和本构方程对流项的高精度AVLsmart格式。首先,为了验证该文方法的有效性,对不同Reynolds数下不可压黏性流体圆柱绕流问题进行了模拟。随后,对等温及非等温不可压XPP黏弹性流体圆柱绕流问题进行了有效模拟,给出了速度矢量、应力分量、拉升量以及温度的分布规律,分析了We数对水平速度、法向应力及拉升量的影响。该文研究成果能为精确预测复杂型腔纤维增强黏弹性聚合物熔体动态充填过程提供理论基础。

  • 图  1  Newton流体圆柱绕流示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the Newtonian flow past a cylinder

    图  2  不同Re下,圆柱附近的压力(上)和流线分布(下)

    Figure  2.  Distributions of pressure (top) and streamlines (bottom) near the cylinder for different Re numbers

    图  3  不同Re下,圆柱绕流的速度u(上)和速度v(下)分布

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。

    Figure  3.  Distributions of velocity u (top) and velocity v (bottom) near the cylinder for different Re numbers

    图  4  t=100时,不同 Reynolds数下圆柱绕流的流线图:(a) Re=60;(b) Re=80;(c) Re=100;(d) Re=200

    Figure  4.  Streamlines of the flow near the cylinder at t=100 for different Re numbers: (a) Re=60; (b) Re=80; (c) Re=100; (d) Re=200

    图  5  Re=100时,半个周期内圆柱附近流线图:(a) t=T/12;(b) t=2T/12;(c) t=3T/12;(d) t=4T/12;(e) t=5T/12;(f) t=6T/12

    Figure  5.  Streamlines of the flow near the cylinder in a half cycle for Re=100: (a) t=T/12; (b) t=2T/12; (c) t=3T/12; (d) t=4T/12; (e) t=5T/12; (f) t=6T/12

    图  6  XPP流体圆柱绕流示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of the XPP flow past a cylinder

    图  7  We=1,Re=1时,速度、应力分量及拉升量的分布:(a) u;(b) v;(c) τxx;(d) τyy;(e) τxy;(f) λ

    Figure  7.  Distributions of velocity vectors, stress components and stretches at We=1, Re=1: (a) u; (b) v; (c) τxx; (d) τyy; (e) τxy; (f) λ

    图  8  y=2时,We对水平速度、拉升量及法向应力的影响:(a) u;(b) λ;(c) τxx;(d) τyy

    Figure  8.  Effects of We on horizontal velocities, stretches and normal stresses at y=2: (a) u; (b) λ; (c) τxx; (d) τyy

    图  9  不同Pe下的温度分布:(a) Pe=100;(b) Pe=1 000;(c) Pe=10 000;(d) Pe=100 000

    Figure  9.  Distributions of temperatures at different Pe numbers: (a) Pe=100; (b) Pe=1 000; (c) Pe=10 000; (d) Pe=100 000

    表  1  方程(18)中函数和常数的表达式

    Table  1.   Definition of functions and constants in eq. (18)

    equation$ \varPhi $$ \theta $$ \delta $$ {S_\varPhi } $
    u-momentum$ u $$ Re $1$ - \dfrac{{\partial p}}{{\partial x}} + \left( {\dfrac{{\partial {\tau _{xx}}}}{{\partial x}} + \dfrac{{\partial {\tau _{xy}}}}{{\partial y}}} \right) + (\beta - 1)\left( {\dfrac{{{\partial ^2}u}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + \dfrac{{{\partial ^2}u}}{{\partial {y^2}}}} \right) $
    v-momentum$ v $$ Re $1$ - \dfrac{{\partial p}}{{\partial y}} + \left( {\dfrac{{\partial {\tau _{xy}}}}{{\partial x}} + \dfrac{{\partial {\tau _{yy}}}}{{\partial y}}} \right) + (\beta - 1)\left( {\dfrac{{{\partial ^2}v}}{{\partial {x^2}}} + \dfrac{{{\partial ^2}v}}{{\partial {y^2}}}} \right) $
    $ {\tau _{xx}} $ normal stress$ {\tau _{xx}} $$ We $0$ {S_{{\tau _{xx}}}} $
    $ {\tau _{xy}} $ shear stress$ {\tau _{xy}} $$ We $0$ {S_{{\tau _{xy}}}} $
    $ {\tau _{yy}} $ normal stress$ {\tau _{yy}} $$ We $0$ {S_{{\tau _{yy}}}} $
    energy$ T $$ Pe $1${S_{{T} } }$
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    表  2  不同Re下的曳力系数

    Table  2.   Drag coefficients at different Re numbers

    referencedrag coefficient CD
    ref. [28]
    ref. [29]2.852.061.564
    ref. [30]
    present work3.112.221.708
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    表  3  LDPE熔体在$ {T_{\text{r}}}{\text{ = 443}} $时的XPP和Arrhenius流变参数[9]

    Table  3.   Rheology parameters for LDPE melt for the XPP and Arrhenius models at $ {T_{\text{r}}}{\text{ = 443}} $[9]

    parameters${\lambda _{ {\text{0b} } } }({T_{\text{r} } })/{\rm{s }}$$\lambda {}_{ {\text{0s} } }({T_{\text{r} } })/{\rm{s}}$$ q $$ \alpha $${\eta _{\text{s} } }/({\rm{Pa \cdot s}})$${\eta _0}/({\rm{Pa \cdot s} })$$ {E_0}/({\text{J}} \cdot {\text{mo}}{{\text{l}}^{ - 1}}) $$ R{\kern 1pt} /({\text{J}} \cdot {\text{mo}}{{\text{l}}^{ - 1}} \cdot {{\text{K}}^{ - 1}}{\text{)}} $
    value1.741 50.580 520.152004 60048 2008.314
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