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郝俊红 邬学峰 张师宁 田亮 戈志华

郝俊红,邬学峰,张师宁,田亮,戈志华. 基于标准热阻的多类储热材料归一化动态表征及应用 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(11):1227-1237 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430231
引用本文: 郝俊红,邬学峰,张师宁,田亮,戈志华. 基于标准热阻的多类储热材料归一化动态表征及应用 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(11):1227-1237 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430231
HAO Junhong, WU Xuefeng, ZHANG Shining, TIAN Liang, GE Zhihua. Normalized Dynamic Characterization and Application of Multiple Heat Storage Materials Based on Standard Thermal Resistance[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(11): 1227-1237. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430231
Citation: HAO Junhong, WU Xuefeng, ZHANG Shining, TIAN Liang, GE Zhihua. Normalized Dynamic Characterization and Application of Multiple Heat Storage Materials Based on Standard Thermal Resistance[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(11): 1227-1237. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430231


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430231
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52176068)

    郝俊红(1988—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail:hjh@ncepu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB34

Normalized Dynamic Characterization and Application of Multiple Heat Storage Materials Based on Standard Thermal Resistance

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  储热材料瞬态换热模型

    Figure  1.  The dynamic heat transfer model for heat storage materials

    图  2  传热过程瞬态热流模型

    Figure  2.  The transient heat flow model for heat transfer process

    图  3  储热材料分层示意图

    Figure  3.  The layering diagram for the thermal storage materials

    图  4  三阶电路瞬态热流模型

    Figure  4.  The transient heat flow model for the 3rd-order circuit

    图  5  瞬态热流模型与仿真结果对比:(a)仿真1;(b)仿真2;(c)仿真3

    Figure  5.  Comparison between transient heat flow models and simulation results: (a) simulation 1; (b) simulation 2; (c) simulation 3

    图  6  三种情况下三阶电路瞬态热量流模型计算结果

    Figure  6.  Calculation results of the 3rd-order circuit transient heat flux model in 3 cases

    图  7  不同换热流体下储热材料中间面的温升:(a)硅质耐火砖;(b)镁质耐火砖;(c)钢筋混凝土;(d)铸铁;(e)铸钢

    Figure  7.  Temperature rises of intermediate surfaces of thermal storage materials in different heat exchange fluids: (a) silicon refractory bricks; (b) magnesia refractory bricks; (c) reinforced concrete; (d) cast iron; (e) cast steel

    图  8  不同换热流体下陶瓷材料中间面的温升:(a)石英;(b)碳化硅;(c)刚玉

    Figure  8.  Temperature rises of ceramic material intermediate surfaces under different heat exchange fluids: (a) quartz; (b) silicon carbide; (c) corundum

    表  1  仿真验证设置

    Table  1.   Simulation verification settings

    Th,i/Kvh,i/(m·s−1)cold fluidTc,i/Kvc,i/(m·s−1)materialδ/cm
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  时间常数

    Table  2.   Time constants

    simulation numberτh /sτm /sτc /s
    11 323.271 997.371 323.40
    33 047.154 222.933 047.15
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  三种情况下热流体物理性质及加热时间常数

    Table  3.   Physical properties and heating time constants of the thermal fluid in 3 cases

    caseρ/(kg/m3)cp /(J·kg−1·K−1)λ /(W·m−1·K−1)τh /(s)
    11 0004 1800.61 060.40
    28002 7000.41 148.27
    32 0003 6000.5953.58
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  换热流体物性参数[27]

    Table  4.   Physical parameters of heat exchanger fluids[27]

    fluidρ /(kg/m3)
    cp /(J·kg−1·K−1)
    λ /(W·m−1·K−1)υ/(m2/s)
    liquid lithium4802 016537.4×105
    liquid sodium8301 045662.9×105
    KF-ZrF42 8003 4440.551.82×106
    HTS1 8772 7770.592.26×106
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  储热材料物性参数[28]

    Table  5.   Physical parameters of heat storage materials[28]

    heat storage
    ρ /(kg/m3)
    cp /(J∙kg−1∙K−1)thermal conductivity
    λ /(W∙m−1·K−1)
    silicon refractory brick1 8201 0001.5
    magnesia refractory brick3 0001 1505
    reinforced concrete2 2008501.5
    cast iron7 20056037
    cast steel7 80060040
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    表  6  加热时间常数(单位:s)

    Table  6.   Heating time constants (unit: s)

    liquid lithiumliquid sodiumKF-ZrF4 saltHTS salt
    silicon refractory brick98.4699.67106.33108.29
    magnesia refractory brick63.6664.6865.5066.32
    reinforced concrete98.96100.58108.95109.25
    cast iron18.6918.4718.9219.06
    cast steel21.1221.0221.1921.36
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  7  陶瓷储热材料物性参数[30]

    Table  7.   Physical parameters of ceramic heat storage materials[30]

    ceramic materialρ /(kg/m3)cp /(J∙kg−1∙K−1)λ /(W∙m−1·K−1)
    silicon carbide3100117065.4
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  8  高温气体物性参数[31]

    Table  8.   Physical parameters of high temperature gases[31]

    gasρ /(kg/m3)cp /(J∙kg−1∙K−1)λ /(W∙m−1·K−1)υ/(m2/s)
    water vapor0.55492 0090.0272.392×107
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  9  加热时间常数(单位:s)

    Table  9.   Heating time constants (unit: s)

    CO2airwater vapor
    silicon carbide86.8986.4086.89
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