Deformation Modes and Energy Absorption Performances of Concave Profile Tubes Under Axial Crash
摘要: 研究了凹截面薄壁管受轴向冲击时的变形模式及能量吸收性能. 研究结果展示了凹截面管相比传统凸多边形管在提高能量吸收性能方面的优势. 根据数值模拟结果绘制出凹截面薄壁管轴向变形模式分类图,分析了变形模式随截面参数变化的规律. 研究了凹截面薄壁管在轴向冲击及倾斜冲击载荷作用下的变形模式及能量吸收性能. 研究表明,合理设计的凹截面薄壁管较传统凸正多边形薄壁管的能量吸收性能有显著提高.Abstract: The deformation modes and energy absorption performances of thin-walled concave profile tubes subjected to axial crash were investigated, and the advantages of concave tubes over conventional convex polygonal tubes in improving energy absorption performances were demonstrated. The classification of axial deformation modes of concave tubes and their variations with cross-section parameters were studied with the finite element method, and the concave tubes under oblique impact loads were also investigated. The concave tubes show dramatic improvements of energy absorption performances over the conventional square tubes.
Key words:
- concave profile /
- thin-walled structures /
- axial crushing /
- deformation mode /
- energy absorption
表 1 倾斜角为α=5°时,方管、凹十二边形管及凹二十边形管能量吸收性能
Table 1. Crashworthiness of tubes under oblique loads for α=5°: the square tube, the concave dodecagon tube and the concave icosagon tube
profile MCF/kN IPCF/kN EA/J SEA/(kJ/kg) CFE/% square 6.02 13.26 632.94 5.21 45.40 concave dodecagon 13.21 17.49 1 388.34 11.43 75.53 concave icosagon 18.64 29.36 1 959.57 16.13 63.49 表 2 倾斜角α=10°时,方管、凹十二边形管及凹二十边形管能量吸收性能
Table 2. Crashworthiness of tubes under oblique loads for α=10°: the square tube, the concave dodecagon tube and the concave icosagon tube
profile MCF/kN IPCF/kN EA/J SEA/(kJ/kg) CFE/% square 5.48 9.85 575.92 4.74 55.63 concave dodecagon 11.89 17.57 1 249.97 10.29 67.67 concave icosagon 8.77 22.74 922.18 7.59 38.57 -
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