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杨鹏飞 毛良杰 杨森 陈雪峰

杨鹏飞, 毛良杰, 杨森, 陈雪峰. 基于井筒多相流理论的复杂结构井动态压井过程中的井筒压力研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 254-270. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450061
引用本文: 杨鹏飞, 毛良杰, 杨森, 陈雪峰. 基于井筒多相流理论的复杂结构井动态压井过程中的井筒压力研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 254-270. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450061
YANG Pengfei, MAO Liangjie, YANG Sen, CHEN Xuefeng. Research on Wellbore Pressure in the Dynamic Killing Process for Complex Structure Wells Based on the Wellbore Multiphase Flow Theory[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 254-270. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450061
Citation: YANG Pengfei, MAO Liangjie, YANG Sen, CHEN Xuefeng. Research on Wellbore Pressure in the Dynamic Killing Process for Complex Structure Wells Based on the Wellbore Multiphase Flow Theory[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 254-270. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450061


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450061

国家自然科学基金 52174006

四川省重点研发项目 S0497

四川省重点研发项目 2022YFG0119


    杨鹏飞(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 2653668723@qq.com)


    毛良杰(1987—),男,教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: maoliangjie@qq.com)

  • 中图分类号: TE28

Research on Wellbore Pressure in the Dynamic Killing Process for Complex Structure Wells Based on the Wellbore Multiphase Flow Theory

  • 摘要: 基于井筒多相流理论,并结合井眼轨迹的计算方法,建立了复杂结构井动态压井数学模型,再采用有限差分法求解,对压井过程中井筒压力进行了模拟研究,认识了初始气侵量、压井液排量与密度、水平井段长度对井筒压力的影响. 研究结果表明:在大斜度井和水平井压井过程中,套管承受的压力将会变得更大,且套管承受高压的时间也会明显增长;初始气侵量越大,为平衡井筒压力,压井过程中套管压力和立管压力越大;压井排量越大,压井过程中的套管压力越低,立管压力越大;压井液密度越大,压井过程中套管压力和立管压力越低;水平段长度越长,压井过程中的套管压力越大,压井时间越长. 研究结果对保障复杂结构井的压井作业具有指导意义.
  • 图  1  压井过程的物理模型

    Figure  1.  The physical model for the kill process

    图  2  压井过程的控制体单元

    Figure  2.  The control unit of the kill process

    图  3  井筒离散网格节点和单元网格集成区域示意图

    Figure  3.  The diagram of the integrated area of discrete grid nodes and unit grids for the wellbore

    图  4  压井模拟求解流程

    Figure  4.  The kill well simulation solution flow chart

    图  5  直井、大斜度井和水平井井眼轨迹示意图

    Figure  5.  Borehole trajectories of vertical, highly inclined and horizontal wells

    图  6  直井、大斜度井和水平井的初始含气率分布图

    Figure  6.  Initial gas content distributions of vertical, highly inclined and horizontal wells

    图  7  压井过程中套管压力和井筒动态压力分布曲线

    Figure  7.  Casing pressure and wellbore dynamic pressure distribution curves during killing

    图  8  不同气侵体积下工程师法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  8.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with the engineer method for different gas cut volumes

    图  9  不同气侵体积下司钻法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力


    Figure  9.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with driller's method for different gas cut volumes

    图  10  不同压井排量下工程师法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  10.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with the engineer method at different kill rates

    图  11  不同压井排量下司钻法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  11.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with driller's method at different kill rates

    图  12  不同压井液密度下工程师法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  12.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing with the engineer method at different kill fluid densities

    图  13  不同压井液密度下司钻法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  13.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing with driller's method at different kill fluid densities

    图  14  不同水平段长度下工程师法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  14.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with the engineer method at different horizontal section lengths

    图  15  不同水平段长度下司钻法压井过程中的套管压力和立管压力

    Figure  15.  Casing pressures and riser pressures in the process of killing well with driller's method at different horizontal section lengths

    图  16  初始含气率分布图

    Figure  16.  The initial gas content distribution

    图  17  模拟结果对比图

    Figure  17.  Comparison of simulation results

    表  1  基础参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters

    parameter value unit
    the straight well depth 7 606 m
    the depth of the highly inclined well 7 771 m
    the vertical depth of the highly inclined well 7 606 m
    the depth of the horizontal well 8 036 m
    the vertical depth of the horizontal well 7 606 m
    kick-off point 6 825 m
    build-up rate 0.32 (°)/(30 m)
    horizontal section 265 m
    gas kick velocity 0.014 m3/s
    drilling fluid density 1.7 g/cm3
    drilling fluid displacement 25 L/s
    well killing fluid density 1.766 g/cm3
    kill fluid displacement 25 L/s
    geothermal gradient 0.026 ℃/m
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    表  2  柴达木盆地某溢流井基础信息表

    Table  2.   Basic information of an overflow well in Qaidam Basin

    parameter value unit
    the straight well depth 4 933 m
    gas velocity kick 0.008 3 m3/s
    drilling fluid density 2.39 g/cm3
    drilling fluid displacement 27 L/s
    well killing fluid density 2.42 g/cm3
    kill fluid displacement 30 L/s
    geothermal gradient 0.026 ℃/m
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