Effects of Impact Positions on Dynamic Responses of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Shock Loadings
摘要: 采用有限元分析软件ABAQUS/Explicit研究泡沫子弹侧向冲击的冲击位置(偏置比)对Q235钢薄壁圆柱壳动态响应行为的影响. 基于已有的实验结果,验证了有限元模型的准确性,并通过该模型对比分析了不同偏置比下圆柱壳的动态变形演化、冲击侧与后侧冲击区域中心点的挠度值和圆柱壳的最终变形模式. 研究发现冲击侧冲击区域中心点的挠度均与冲击方向一致,而后侧冲击区域中心点的挠度均与冲击方向相反;圆柱壳的不对称变形模式随着偏置比的增大而更加明显. 进一步地,讨论了不同偏置比下,约束形式、初始动量及长径比对圆柱壳抗冲击能力的影响,结果表明,无论何种约束形式和初始动量大小,偏置比的增大降低了圆柱壳两侧冲击区域中心点挠度的绝对值,同时也减缓了后侧冲击区域中心点挠度在长径比影响下从凹陷到凸起的转变过程. 这种增强机制主要在于偏置比的增大显著提升了边界条件对圆柱壳的约束作用.Abstract: The effects of impact positions (offset ratios) on the dynamic behaviors of Q235 steel thin-walled cylindrical shells under lateral impacts by foam projectiles were explored with finite element software ABAQUS/Explicit. Based on existing experimental results, the accuracy of the finite element model was validated, and the model was employed to conduct a comparative analysis of the dynamic deformation evolution, the deflections at mid-points of the impact region on the impact and rear sides, and the final deformation modes of the cylindrical shell under different offset ratios. The results show that, the deflections at the mid-point of the impact region on the impact side are consistent with the impact direction, while those on the rear side are in the opposite direction; the asymmetric deformation mode of the cylindrical shell becomes more pronounced as the offset ratio increases. Subsequently, the effects of constraint types, initial momentums, and length-to-diameter ratios on the impact resistance of the cylindrical shell under offset lateral impact were studied. The comparisons indicate that, regardless of the constraint type or the initial momentum, an increase in the offset ratio will reduce the absolute values of the deflections at the mid-point of the impact region on both sides, which will also slow down the transition process of deflections at the mid-point of the impact region on the rear side from indentation to bulging, under the influence of the length-to-diameter ratio. This enhancement mechanism is primarily attributed to the significant improvement of the constraining effect of boundary conditions on the cylindrical shell as the offset ratio increases.
Key words:
- thin-walled cylindrical shell /
- lateral shock loading /
- foam projectile /
- offset ratio
表 1 Q235钢的J-C塑性模型参数
Table 1. The J-C plasticity model parameters of Q235
material ρ/(kg/m3) E/GPa νe A/MPa B/MPa n C $\dot{\varepsilon}_0$/s-1 Q235 7 800 200 0.3 293.8 230.2 0.578 0.065 2 0.002 1 -
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