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纪正江 程琳豪 郑锡涛 闫雷雷

纪正江, 程琳豪, 郑锡涛, 闫雷雷. 基于碳纤维的层合结构双极化电磁吸波及其弯曲性能设计[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(8): 1096-1105. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450102
引用本文: 纪正江, 程琳豪, 郑锡涛, 闫雷雷. 基于碳纤维的层合结构双极化电磁吸波及其弯曲性能设计[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(8): 1096-1105. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450102
JI Zhengjiang, CHENG Linhao, ZHENG Xitao, YAN Leilei. Electromagnetic Wave Dual-Polarized Absorption and Flexural Performance Design of Composite Laminates Based on Carbon Fibers[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(8): 1096-1105. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450102
Citation: JI Zhengjiang, CHENG Linhao, ZHENG Xitao, YAN Leilei. Electromagnetic Wave Dual-Polarized Absorption and Flexural Performance Design of Composite Laminates Based on Carbon Fibers[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(8): 1096-1105. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450102


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450102

国家自然科学基金 12372141


    纪正江(1998—),男,博士生(E-mail: jzj@mail.nwpu.edu.cn)


    闫雷雷(1986—),男,副教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: yanleilei@nwpu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O342

Electromagnetic Wave Dual-Polarized Absorption and Flexural Performance Design of Composite Laminates Based on Carbon Fibers

  • 摘要: 针对现有飞行器复合材料蒙皮难以兼顾承载性能和吸波性能的问题,利用碳纤维预浸料独特的力电特性构造了碳纤维双极化吸波层合结构(carbon fiber dual-polarized absorbing laminated structure, CFDALS). 通过在玻璃纤维层合结构中引入双向碳纤维阵列结构,赋予层合结构双极化电磁波吸收特性,同时利用碳纤维反射层优异的承载性能来增强结构力学性能. 电磁仿真结果表明,该结构对TE极化电磁波在8~18 GHz频带、0°~45°入射角,同时对TM极化电磁波在5~18 GHz频带、0°~60°入射角下平均吸收率均达到90%以上. 三点弯曲仿真结果表明,结构在实现双极化电磁吸波的同时,在碳纤维阵列两个排列方向上表现出较高的比弯曲强度、比弯曲刚度. 通过在玻璃纤维预浸料中引入双向排列的碳纤维预浸料并进行一体化设计,在结构具备双向优异承载性能的同时实现了双极化电磁吸波性能的显著增强,为飞行器蒙皮隐身承载一体化设计提供了一种新的解决方案.
  • 图  1  双极化结构示意图


    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of CFDALS

    图  2  双极化结构与极化敏感结构的吸波性能比较(入射角θ=30°)

    Figure  2.  Comparison of CFDALS and PSS in EM wave absorption properties (incident angle θ=30°)

    图  3  斜入射性能对比TE波入射

    Figure  3.  EM wave absorption performances in oblique incidence

    图  4  碳纤维阵列排布和弯曲加载区域示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of CF array distributions and bending load areas

    图  5  三点弯曲性能对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of 3-point bending performances

    表  1  尺寸参数的优化结果(单位:mm)

    Table  1.   Optimization results of size parameters (unit: mm)

    parameter xl1 xw1 xdl xdw yl1 yw1 ydl ydw
    optimization range 3.0~5.0 2.5~3.0 0.5~1.0 0.5~1.0 1.0~2.0 0.3~0.6 0.4~0.6 0.3~0.4
    optimization result 3.16 2.90 0.56 0.84 1.22 0.46 0.42 0.32
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    表  2  材料的力学性能

    Table  2.   Mechanical properties of materials

    mechanical property carbon fiber prepreg glass fiber prepreg
    density ρ/(kg/m3) 1 550 1 600
    longitudinal elastic modulus E1/MPa 125 000 34 000
    transverse elastic modulus E2/MPa 12 000 10 300
    Poisson’s ratio μ12, μ13, μ23 0.28, 0.28, 0.44 0.278, 0.278, 0.38
    shear modulus G12/MPa,G13/MPa,G23/MPa 4 500, 4 500, 2 500 2 700, 2 700, 1 500
    fiber tensile strength XT/MPa 2 100 1 300
    fiber compressive strength XC/MPa 1 500 860
    matrix tensile strength YT/MPa 180 160
    matrix compressive strength YC/MPa 240 210
    normal tensile strength ZT/MPa 180 160
    normal compressive strength ZC/MPa 240 210
    shear strength S12/MPa, S13/MPa, S23/MPa 200, 200, 140 140, 140, 80
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    表  3  Cohesive单元的力学性能

    Table  3.   Mechanical properties of cohesive elements

    density ρc/(kg/m3) modulus strength critical fracture energy
    En/GPa Es/GPa ET/GPa σn/MPa σs/MPa σT/MPa GnC/(J/mm2) GsC/(J/mm2) GTC/(J/mm2)
    1 560 3 1.154 1.154 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.025 0.025
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    表  4  MX结构的试验与仿真结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of experimental and simulated results of the MX structure

    index test result simulated result simulation error
    density ρMX/(kg/m3) 1 451 1 591 9.6%
    flexural stiffness KMX/(N/mm) 315.48 334.34 6.0%
    specific flexural stiffness KsMX/(N/(kg/m2)) 217.42 210.15 -3.3%
    flexural strength SMX/MPa 825.40 768.36 -6.9%
    specific flexural strength SsMX/(MPa/(kg/m3)) 0.568 8 0.482 9 -15.1%
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    表  5  双极化结构与极化敏感结构沿xy轴弯曲性能仿真结果对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of flexural property simulation results of CFDALS and PPS along x and y axes

    index flexural property improvement of CFDALS compared with PPS
    MX SX MY SY flexural property in x axis flexural property in y axis
    density ρ/(kg/m3) 1 591 1 577 1 591 1 591 -0.2% 0
    flexural stiffness Kf/(N/mm) 339.31 311.19 271.70 279.92 -8.3% 3.0%
    specific flexural stiffness Ksf/(N/(kg/m2)) 213.27 197.33 170.77 175.94 -7.5% 3.0%
    flexural strength Sf/MPa 768.36 690.11 722.39 784.09 -10.2% 8.5%
    specific flexural strength Ssf/(MPa/(kg/m3)) 0.482 9 0.437 6 0.454 0 0.492 8 -9.3% 8.5%
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