A Guided-Wave-Based Method for Detecting Defects in the Adhesive Layer of the Steel-Epoxy-Steel Sandwich Structure
摘要: 钢质环氧套筒广泛应用于油气管道的修复. 套筒与管道之间环氧胶层的完整性直接决定了修复质量. 由于套筒、环氧胶层和管道一起构成了特殊的三明治结构,传统的无损检测方法难以实现胶层缺陷的有效识别,迫切需要发展新的无损检测方法. 该文对钢-环氧-钢三明治结构胶层缺陷的导波检测方法展开了研究. 首先通过半解析有限元方法,计算了三明治结构中导波的频散曲线,通过频散特征、波形结构和衰减特性筛选出了可用于胶层缺陷检测的LS1波. 接着设计了可用于激励LS1波的压电换能器,并通过数值模拟和实验验证了换能器的有效性. 然后,通过数值模拟和实验研究了LS1波与胶层空腔缺陷的作用规律,发现缺陷长度尺寸在4倍波长以内时,LS1波反射波的幅值随缺陷长度变化近似线性变化. 在此基础上提出了一种信号处理的方法,当缺陷尺寸不小于2倍波长时,该方法可以有效辨识出缺陷反射信号.Abstract: Steel epoxy sleeves are widely used to repair oil and gas pipelines. The integrity of the epoxy layer between the sleeve and the pipeline directly determines the quality of the repair. Due to the unique sandwich structure formed by the sleeve, the epoxy layer, and the pipeline, traditional nondestructive testing methods have difficulty effectively identifying defects in the epoxy layer. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new nondestructive testing methods. A guided-wave-based method was developed for detecting defects in the adhesive layer of the steel-epoxy-steel sandwich structure. Firstly, the dispersion curves of guided waves in the sandwich structure were calculated with the semi-analytical finite element method. The LS1 wave was selected to detect defects in the adhesive layer based on the dispersion characteristics, waveform structures, and attenuation properties. Subsequently, a piezoelectric transducer capable of exciting LS1 waves was designed. The effectiveness of the transducer was verified through numerical simulations and experiments. Then, numerical simulations and experiments were conducted to study the interaction between LS1 waves and cavity defects in the adhesive layer. The results show that, with a defect length within 4 times of the wavelength, the amplitude of the LS1 wave's reflected wave would change approximately linearly with the defect length. Based on this, a signal processing method is proposed, which can effectively identify defect reflection signals when the defect size is not less than twice the wavelength.
图 15 图 13(a)的信号经过图 14所示的方法处理得到的信号
Figure 15. The obtained signals of fig. 13(a) after processing with the method shown in fig. 14
表 1 三明治结构的材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of the sandwich structure
material density ρ/(kg/m3) elastic modulus E/GPa Poisson’s ratio ν C11/GPa C66/GPa steel 7 850 210 0.33 310.8 78.86 epoxy resin 1 186 4 0.4 8.56×(1+i0.03) 1.43×(1+i0.03) 表 2 PZT-5H的材料性能
Table 2. The material properties of the PZT-5H
density ρ/(kg·m-3) elastic compliance SE/(10-12·Pa-1) relative dielectric constant εT piezoelectric constant d/(pC·N-1) S11E S33E S12E S13E S44E S66E ε11T ε22T ε33T d31=d32 d33 d24=d15 7 500 16.5 20.7 -4.78 -8.45 43.6 42.6 3 130 3 130 3 400 -274 593 741 -
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